AT/Po: Brahmin Pada,Khariar Dist: Nuapada
AYUAUSKAM is presently working in 5 Blocks and 131 Gram Panchayat of the district.6, 10,382 Population of 670 villages are being covered by AYAUSKAM under its various developmental activities.
Over the period Ayauskam has grown in terms of its activities, area of operation, structure, system, and procedure and staff strength. And it has been playing an enabling and facilitating role to materialize the sustainable development concept in to reality.
SL No. | Area Profile | Coverage Area | ||||
Name of the District | Name of the Block | Nos of Village | Name of the District | Name of the Block | Nos of Village | |
1. | Nuapada | Nuapada | 182 | Nuapada | Nuapada | 0 |
2. | Komna | 162 | Komna | 0 | ||
3. | Khariar | 116 | Khariar | 116 | ||
4. | Boden | 89 | Boden | 89 | ||
5. | Sinapali | 125 | Sinapali | 0 | ||
6. | Bargarh | Paikamal | 56 | Bargarh | Paikmal | 40 |